Los Protagonistas - Nanterre-Amandiers
Los Protagonistas - Nanterre-Amandiers
Los Protagonistas - Nanterre-Amandiers

Photo : El Conde de Torrefiel

Photo : Rebecca Praga

Photo : Rebecca Praga

7 avenue Pablo‑Picasso
Nanterre, FR 92022

Los Protagonistas

Conception and creation

El Conde de Torrefiel

En raison du décret du 17 oct. les représentations de Los Protagonistas ne pourront pas avoir lieu en nov. 2020. Nous travaillons à les reporter au printemps 2021. Merci de votre compréhension !
Création 2020
Suitable for all audiences from 7 years old
Estimated duration
45 min
Salle transformable
With the Saison Jeune Public of the city of Nanterre

El Conde de Torrefiel company had not yet created pieces for young audiences. The desire to connect with the 21st century generation – upon whom the future rests – added to an effort to demonstrate that theater dramaturgy and poetic abstraction could work together.

The storytelling of Los Protagonistas hinges predominantly on those images. The staging encourages the audience – 7 to 10-year-old children and chaperones – to tap their own resources, instincts and imagination to get into the play, in every sense of the word. Before they even enter the auditorium, the audience members are handed earphones with which they can hear the voice of a storyteller walking them through the journey.

Once fully equipped for the experience, they are greeted in small groups in a space split in five differently arranged settings. Each of these is a gateway to another world that requires special interactions and offers an escape away from ordinary life. Moving through various environments, engaged by visual effects that conjure up landscapes, mythological creatures or animated objects, children and parents create their own script. A unique and multisensory artistic experience where reality and illusion blend into each other.

Related events
7 November 2020
Samedi en coulisses
Visite des coulisses, rencontre autour des métiers du spectacle.
Réservation indispensable : 01 46 14 70 00.


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