Extinction - Nanterre-Amandiers
Extinction - Nanterre-Amandiers
Extinction - Nanterre-Amandiers
Extinction - Nanterre-Amandiers

crédit : Simon Gosselin

crédit : Simon Gosselin

crédit : Simon Gosselin

crédit : Simon Gosselin

Extinction - Nanterre-Amandiers
7 avenue Pablo‑Picasso
Nanterre, FR 92022


Si vous pouviez lécher mon coeur / Volksbühne Am Rosa Luxemburg-Platz / Julien Gosselin


Thomas Bernhard, Hugo Von Hofmannsthal, Arthur Schnitzler

29 November — 6 December 2023
At 7 pm : monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday / Saturday 2nd December at 5 pm / Sunday 3rd at 3 pm
Théâtre de la Ville - Sarah Bernhardt
With the Festival d'Automne à Paris 2023

In French, German and English, with French surtitles.

The story begins in early 20th-century Vienna with a meeting between Arthur Schnitzler and Freud. The wheel of history spins fast and, by the end of the century, another Austrian author, Thomas Bernhard, writes of his rage and despair and calls it Extinction. Combining electronic concert music, a total video system, and radical spoken word theatre, this creation by Julien Gosselin, in conjunction with Volksbühne Berlin, takes us on a journey through Europe as turbulent and terrible as its history. This show within a show paints a portrait of Generation 2.0 on a quest for meaning and sounds out nihilism and the destructive impulse in a bid to uncover the traces of a buried revolt, and ultimately questions our ability to say no in a world on the brink of Extinction.

Related events
9 December 2023 at 21:00
Aftershow by Musicians & Videographer of "Extinction" show !
Aftershow par les musiciens et le vidéaste du spectacle : Maxence Vandevelde, Guillaume Bachelé et Pierre Martin Oriol.
Tarifs : Tarif plein : 10€ / Jeune de moins de 30 ans : 5€ / Gratuit pour les détenteur.trice.s d’un billet pour Extinction.


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