Derrière les lignes ennemies - Nanterre-Amandiers
Derrière les lignes ennemies - Nanterre-Amandiers
Derrière les lignes ennemies - Nanterre-Amandiers
Derrière les lignes ennemies - Nanterre-Amandiers
Derrière les lignes ennemies - Nanterre-Amandiers


Géraldine Aresteanu

Géraldine Aresteanu

Géraldine Aresteanu

Derrière les lignes ennemies - Nanterre-Amandiers
7 avenue Pablo‑Picasso
Nanterre, FR 92022

Derrière les lignes ennemies

Text, Direction

Lucas Samain

23 January — 10 February 2024
At 8 pm : tuesday, wednesday, thursday & Friday / At 7 pm : saturday

Creation 2024
Théâtre du Rond-Point

Antoine Moront, the heir to TimberGenetics, a biotechnology company, is kidnapped while out jogging. Prosecuted for marketing toxic products, against all expectations TimberGenetics is acquitted. Faced with this blatant injustice, an unknown group decides to take matters into their own hands. They publish their demands, issue an ultimatum, and threaten to kill Moront. Lucas Samain, a former student of the École du Nord and the play’s author with Christophe Rauck and Tiphaine Raffier, deconstructs the clichés of hostage-taking. In this closed-door thriller, emptiness and expectation take hold, time stretches and doubt sets in. Could the climate emergency one day legitimise ecological terrorism? Is Antoine Moront worth saving?



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